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What are Docket Numbers?

One of the more confusing aspects of the NRC’s document repository is how the NRC assigns docket numbers. During pre-application engagement, the companies are assigned a docket number that starts with 999. Once the NRC accepts a companies license application for review, the NRC will assign a docket number based upon the type of license. For example, companies applying for a traditional two stage license under Part 50 will have a docket number that begins with 050. Companies applying for a combined operating license under Part 52 will have a docket number that begins with 052. Even after an applicant receives a docket number for a given facility or design, the applicant may still submit documents to the pre-application docket if the information would support future licensing submittals.

nrcadams::docket_codex |>
    caption = "Exported Docket Numbers in the `nrcadams` Package.",
    filter = list(position = 'top', clear = TRUE, plain = FALSE)

Keeping Up to Date with a Docket

As an open regulator, the NRC is required to publicly provide non-proprietary and non-export controlled information to the public. When an applicant submits a proprietary document, the NRC will post the non-proprietary portions of the document on ADAMS. The NRC typically strives to ensure that enough information is in the public sphere to justify any licensing actions.

To keep up-to-date with ACU’s MSRR license, it is best to search through both the pre-application and docketed information.

nrcadams::docket_codex |>
  dplyr::filter(Company == "ACU") |>
  dplyr::pull(DocketNumber) |>
  nrcadams::search_docket(days_back = 60) |>
  dplyr::mutate(Title = paste0("<a href='", URL, "'>", Title, '</a>')) |>
  dplyr::select(-URL) |>
    caption = "The last 60 Days of the MSRR's Posted Licensing Documents.",
    filter = list(position = 'top', clear = TRUE, plain = FALSE),
    escape = FALSE
#> Searching with the following URL:
#> : 3.482 sec elapsed
#>  This search returned: 7 files.

Filtering a Docket for Actual Information

A given docket will include email correspondence in addition to reports and safety evaluations. Generally, letters and emails are more noise than signal and can be filtered out of a search results. Instead of mucking around with the ADAMS API to filter out these results, it is simpler to use the dplyr::filter to filter on the returned results.

nrcadams::docket_codex |>
  dplyr::filter(Company == "X-Energy") |>
  dplyr::pull(DocketNumber) |>
  nrcadams::search_docket() |>
    !stringr::str_detect(Type, "E-Mail"),
    !stringr::str_detect(Type, "Letter")
  dplyr::mutate(Title = paste0("<a href='", URL, "'>", Title, '</a>')) |>
  dplyr::select(-URL) |>
    caption = "X-Energy's Pre-Applicaion Docket without Letters and Emails.",
    filter = list(position = 'top', clear = TRUE, plain = FALSE),
    escape = FALSE
#> Searching with the following URL:
#> : 4.718 sec elapsed
#>  This search returned: 1000 files.
#> Warning in nrcadams::search_docket(dplyr::pull(dplyr::filter(nrcadams::docket_codex, : 
#> This search returned more than 1000 results and thus may be incomplete. As a result, the search should be refined.