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Docket numbers are hard to keep track of so let nrcadams keep track of them for you! This exported tibble provides the project name, company, and docket number for a selection of efforts.




A tibble with columns for project names, company names, docket numbers, and logical flag for NLWR applications.


tibble of docket numbers


#> # A tibble: 27 × 4
#>    Project                         Company                    DocketNumber NLWR 
#>    <chr>                           <chr>                             <dbl> <lgl>
#>  1 MSRR Pre-Application            ACU                            99902088 TRUE 
#>  2 MSRR Part 50                    ACU                             5000610 TRUE 
#>  3 Shine Part 50                   SHINE Medical Technologies      5000608 TRUE 
#>  4 Shine Recycling Pre-Application SHINE Medical Technologies     99902115 TRUE 
#>  5 Xe-100 Pre-Application          X-Energy                       99902071 TRUE 
#>  6 TRISO-X Fab. Part 70            X-Energy                        7007027 TRUE 
#>  7 Long Mott Pre-Application       X-Energy                       99902117 TRUE 
#>  8 AP300                           Westinghouse                   99902111 FALSE
#>  9 Natrium Pre-Application         TerraPower                     99902100 TRUE 
#> 10 Natrium Part 50                 TerraPower                      5000613 TRUE 
#> # ℹ 17 more rows