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Map of Absorber Degradation Sensitivity (MADS) interpolates between an initial and final degradation state point based on data calculated from BWR/PWR SFP fixed neutron absorber degradation sensitivity studies.

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Map of Absorber Degradation Sensitivity (MADS) interpolates between an initial and final degradation state point based on data calculated from BWR/PWR SFP fixed neutron absorber degradation sensitivity studies.


Command-line Execution

./ type solbor1 npanels1 adens1 solbor2 npanels2 adens2

Command-line Argument Definitions

type        # fuel and rack type; options are "pwr" or "bwr"
solbor1     # initial soluble boron concentration in ppm; pwr takes input between 0 and 2500
npanels1    # initial number of degraded panels; must be an integer between 1 and 200
adens1      # initial areal density; must be a number between 0 and 0.022
solbor2     # final soluble boron concentration in ppm; pwr takes input between 0 and 2500
npanels2    # final number of degraded panels; must be an integer between 1 and 200
adens2      # final degraded areal density; must be a number between 0 and 0.022

Research Using MADS

Spent Fuel Pool Neutron Absorber Degradation: K-effective Sensitivity Studies (presentation)

Neutron Absorber Degradation Sensitivity Studies (papers)

Summary Plots

Web App

Delta-k-eff vs. Number of Fully Degraded Panels (BWR SFP)

Delta-k-eff vs. Number of Fully Degraded Panels (PWR SFP)